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When a king's departure, great, put people to call to go, very fun, very imposing ah?"What, Zhao Wang?"chi flat irons teeth, look back at a word to a slowly pop.Look at the site and there are too many people, CHI give you face, you don't like you as much rivalry, excessive!

"Hungry?Had dinner together."chi straightener calmly stepped forward, pulling my hand, a smile."GA?"CHI dumbfounded, just hold back sufficient strength, suddenly like a broken balloons, leak."Hee!"Clean with after CHI, cover lip secretly laughing.Hateful!He was played by him.Strange, when CHI learned to make fun of?

A meal is in chi iron mood, nameless eats painstakingly earnestly, dust-free laugh and I get bored, eat without relish them through.The funny thing is, he went back to his house, that the best is still in the yard innocently waiting.In addition to admire, CHI can say?