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ugg outlet All went ghost place, ugg boots a person too boring to stay at the hotel, followed by a look at Go ! Secretary Marin helpless smile, Zheng Qaeda will pick a time to come in Zhengzhou City, the opening time of the ghost, but he shopped once since followed Zheng -Qaeda no longer interested after the middle of the night without sleep in noisy environments and hawkers bargain, Secretary Marin really some can not adapt. Ghost City, simple point to understand is that the underground market antiques circles, many people who like antiques have had the experience of Taobao ghost city, most of the country's major cities have their own ghost city.

It is said that at the time of the Qing Dynasty,cheap ugg boots, during natural disasters ***, fleeing victims will have to find a way out to Tianjin. There are historical records, the dynasty years near Tianjin Tianbao Road, there was a soup kitchen for the victims porridge factory, a fire actually burned a thousand people, injured countless. Seen as much as the number of victims. More and more victims, the victims began to fight the idea of ​​someone close some older people do not have something to sell the victims, over time, where the formation of a flea market. At that time, these are not the same old stuff, then can not now, flea mostly ragged, things are even unusable.

These profiteers to think of dirty tricks, taking advantage of the day does not shine stall, Heidengxiahuo cover things over, and then sold to the victims. For instance, some people have broken the place stacked cotton coat leaking inside look not to let ugg boots ; some ink to the old shoe brush, looking at the new lot, there 's the casual furniture to nail bar nail bar, see a very strong, maybe pull home to fall apart, and that the white lie. People buy it clear just Jiabu Zhu someone petty things ghost city, though poor, but the price can be cut very low, but in the end are ' buyer does not sellers fine', who bought who is considered bad luck.