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http://caraandco.com/wp-abouts1.php Qin 's inscrutable face, his heart was in swerved, trying to remember past lives to see the explanation: Avalokitesvara concept of the word is very important, spiritual view of the key word. This concept is not sharp eyes, but a supernatural power, the concept of non-empty non ray ban australia there, knowing no-mind, a sense of the often already known, which is the heart of the total repair tactics. Therefore, the " concept of Mahayana Bunsen heart ", said: between a moment, the subject read view of the heart, smoked a large supreme Bodhi species. Also: observability heart, what relief, not the viewer, never at Chanfu. Qin monk looked at, such as the enlightenment of the monks, the face of the mysterious world as seen through the Red general, no sorrow without joy, which the monk Song Yun lackeys willing to do the bridge, apparently, no amendment to the true meaning of this canon.

" Sutra " called : birth and death both off, quiescence before now. This time to move forward, and always given from the silence of the body, from the contemplation of magical, which is scheduled to pose wisdom, will reach Dinghuiqiao as long, stillness Fuji proportions. Therefore, the " Flower Adornment Sutra " says : Thou shalt concept is the heart, often obsessed with birth and death, without all illusory, nike air max 1 derived great fruit. Qin breath will be remembered in his head Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra explanation say it, it is actually an entire hall silent, Ho Huan originally wanted to point out to speak His Majesty the Emperor of Qin interrupted by sin, when it is a words can not tell, completely overawed, ray ban sunglasses now little doubt could this be the reincarnation Qin Feng, otherwise, may be so versed in Buddhism ?

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