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As the offensive side, the soldiers to assault the enemy too much goals, but some formations too dense, so a short distance of less than two hundred meters of the assault, fell under the guns of the soldiers in the Devils reached four more than one hundred people. While the other two sides into a short distance on the radio or a bayonet charge, little devils gun will lose a role, this time, the fighting began heating up. Students and soldiers came from 29 Army Army knife once again display a broadsword. And this time using ghd nz, but it is mainly men from Guangdong and Fujian.

Undoubtedly, this will be a war of attrition. Twelve forty-five so, pay attention to listen to it, will be able to hear the roar of aircraft. Although the Japanese pilots deliberately want to hide deeds, but in the silence of the night all this Wan Lai, aircraft loud sound of a motor repeat itself, moreover, ghd nz sale hard to figure out the exact position, so this deliberate act only play the ostrich effect. In fact, the aircraft's engine noise is the Japanese launched a night raid signals. And in the army soldiers, students cheap toms shoes and soldiers doing various layout when the sky Valley detachment Devils have not been idle, and its two devils brigade already thinks silently lurking in the distance of about one thousand students and soldiers army positions m around the place.

This is the day when so ordered valley straight Jiro's original words. Thus,ghd, the BBC did not wait long before we heard the explosion - of course, not the aircraft bomb explosions, but the little devils caused by stepping on a mine explosion. Sound of a loud explosion, students and soldiers at once on the military positions of gunfire rang out suddenly close. Which, although there is no lack Spike soldiers had fired, but the vast majority are firecrackers. The sound of gunfire, the Japanese suddenly no longer hide their whereabouts, flares off one after another, at once will illuminate a sharp Shino.
