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"ghd nz can really go?"Men still have not believe, how many heroes to treasure buried in the ground, have a look not date bones, know 'ghost' of this name is not a legend."You say?Does GHD want to spend all my life here, or wait for death?""If you can accompany life, also be most willing to die."Men could not help but also display their want to conquer the other charm, full of silently conveyed tenderness at GHD sapphire blue eyes, seems to have immunity, gently floated, dodged.

"You're a man die out here, ghd purple go."Talking about GHD rose to go, the man quickly pulled GHD arm be lost to all sense of shame chuckled and said "you have the heart to leave me here alone?I am here, you can be more a sense of security."Ghd feel overhead crow a piece of ground, old peacock stood a pile, romantic portrait of a shameless, see the side die shameless face that he is a dandy, how the world can have such a person to profane the Holy love.

"Tell me, where are you going?"GHD Pink Orchid like a bus driver."Wu Erzhang country."Wu Erzhang country?Ghd felt a shock, break out with a big question mark, who the hell is he?Since it is so clear here is a ghost town, why you still here?"Who the hell is GHD?"
